What Function Does Casino Interior Design Have?


Assuming you have been in casinos, or at least have seen them in a film, you might have noticed that casinos are suspiciously similar to one another. No, we don’t mean the games they offer, but that they literally look very similar in terms of their design.

Do they have the same interior designer? Likely not, but there must have been an interior designer in the past who came up with the design that we are so familiar with. Consequently, did casino owners simply find this design beautiful and copied from one another?

Image of a casino interior next to a UK casino site

Maybe, but there is another reason why they chose it – to make it pleasant for you and keep you there for as long as possible. Today we will reveal the secrets of casino design which might make you look for online casino alternatives instead.

Time? What is Time?

Let’s start with the most obvious and nefarious part of casino interior design that you might have already noticed – the lack of windows and clocks. Try to remember a single casino you’ve been to that has windows and clocks. You can’t? Well, that’s by design.

It’s not that land-based casinos hate the celestial bodies; they dislike what they represent – the passage of time. Yes, the reason why there are no windows in casinos (or clocks) is so that the players don’t think about how much time they have spent at the casino. This is one of the top reasons why some players have migrated to online gambling.

Always on the First Floor

Some of the best casinos are based in hotels, most of which have dozens of floors, so why then is the casino always at the bottom? Well, again, to hide the passage of time. No hotel would waste their top floor view by placing a window-less casino there. These casino hotels would rather use the top floor for a bar and/or a restaurant.

Bright Colours

It’s a bit strange that the most exclusive land-based casinos have this eclectic colourful design (with few exceptions) that reminds someone of a clown nightmare rather than a reputable casino. What else has bright colours though? Slots.

The casino is thus a physical representation of their most popular game, so you are inclined to play even if you didn’t originally plan to.

Bright Lights

Casinos have really bright lights and this is yet another trick they use, so that you don’t think about the passage of time. There is no night or day at the casino, past or future, there is only now and now is the best time for you to play some casino games.

Dim Lights

Okay, we just said that casinos employ bright lights and now we say that they employ dim lights, so which one is it? It’s both, depending on the game.

Dim lights are usually used in poker rooms in order to give you the sense of intimacy and exclusivity which is tied to the nature of poker rooms; they want to make you feel important.

Small Tables

A lot of casinos place tables around games that don’t require the use of tables to hold chips such as slot machines. So why is that? Well, to hold your drink of course.

Most casinos offer free drinks because you are more likely to gamble and not think of the consequences of your gambling if you are drunk. There’s no free lunch!

Maze Straight Out of The Shining

There are different sections in a casino but they are not neatly ordered for your convenience because their job is not to make it convenient to you but to make you gamble more. You have to pass as many sections as possible to increase your chances of gambling on different games.

Some casinos also put their cash-out tills in the most curious part of the casino or they have very few of them. Again, this is to make you wander around and spend the chips you won on another game.

Strategic Placement

The games in a land-based casino are carefully sectioned. The goal is to make you want to gamble as soon as you walk in which is mostly why big jackpot slots can be found near the entrance.

The placement of different games in a casino resembles the layout of groceries in a supermarket (another great marketing trickery) and they do have the same goal – to have you spent more money than you were planning to and on things that you weren’t inclined to spend any money on.

Scents and Ventilation

Since there are no windows to open in a casino, owners spend tons on ventilation. A casino should always be well-ventilated, so players don’t get sick of the stuffiness.

In addition, a casino has to always smell nice to make the experience more pleasant, which is why casinos spend a lot on air fresheners and use carefully-picked scents.


Did any of these characteristics of casino interior design surprise you? Dou you have any more to add? Let us know!